Monday, June 1, 2009

Central City Census - June

It's June 1st which means it's time for a new poll. Let's check out May's Census first.

Last month the Census asked what platform you'd like to see more reviews on. "Oh, wow, Phil. Thanks for reading that again for me. I didn't catch that the first time." No problem. I'm very surprised by the result since the most reviews on the site are for the Wii. Now you Wii owners want more? What are you people-- insatiable? No, I kid. I'm actually planning more 360 and PS3 reviews. There's just less there I want to play, and I don't want to unfairly review a game for just not being my cup of tea. Only if I were paid would I. New Census now!

Microsoft recently announced a new motion control peripheral, Project Natal. I imagine that's just the tentative title for it. I think it looks really cool, but the fact that it's an option and seemingly an afterthought for the 360 doesn't really invoke confidence. Additionally, I don't see games like shooters or adventure games working well. Regardless, what is your opinion on Microsoft's Natal? Vote now, and you may be entered to win a 12 inch replica of David Bowie!

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